Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Joy Of Halloween

As a child, I loved Halloween..Sort of.
I liked dressing up and LOVED eating candy, but I was terrified to ring the doorbell or say "Trick or Treat"

Tonight I brought my daughter out for her very first Halloween!
Last year, I was only 26 ish weeks pregnant!!! Time FLIES!
I had originally planned on staying home and handing out candy, but my grandmother suggested I go trick or treating with my sisters and Ashlynn, So I did.
I had a tutu and long sleeved shirt for her for a costume, but it was very cold out, so I looked around the house for an old one.
I found a Tigger costume. Guess what? It had been used for my sister Nikki, who is 8 now, when she was around 1 or 2. And my sister Kenzie, who is now 5 1/2, when she was 1 1/2! It fit my 9 month old PERFECTLY. Chubby girl.

I admit, I did bring her around with a basket for candy. She got quite a bit, but the only edible items were two lollipops. She had one (part anyways. She dropped it 1/3 of the way through and I tossed it) and the other one I may not give her (mini tootsie pop)
She did get Teddy Grahams, but they're HONEY Teddy Grahams! Booooo...
She loved the lollipop. It was, and will be for quite some time, her only piece of candy and she refused to let it go. We now have tons of photos of her.. eating a lollipop. Every time I took it away, she started crying. I'd much rather a happy, pop-eating baby in photos than a crying, upset baby.
She was tired as it was. She took ONE nap today, then woke up at 1pm from that (about 2hrs of napping with Mommy) and wasn't asleep again until 9:30pm. I tried sneaking a nap in at 5:30, but her Poppy (Grandfather)'s brother came over with his two little girls..and the noise kept her WIDE awake, as did all the excitement from getting candy and walking around.
All in all, it was a GREAT Halloween! She had fun, was happy as can be, and boy did she look cute!
I'll share the photos at some point :)

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