Thursday, February 28, 2013

Babies and Kittens

It's been a long, long time since I have posted.
Ashlynn is now three and surprises me every day with everything she knows. And she never stops talking!
Matthew is 8 months old and crawling, cruising and just everywhere.
But this post is about our cat and our son.
We adopted a kitten when she was 8 weeks old..Matthew was around the same age.
She was so tiny and adorable, but not exactly the best "baby" pet. She slept with us for a little while because she was terrified to be left alone. Of course, Matthew also slept with us.
This kitten, who we named Mokona but actually call "Cat" (so original!), was a little lunatic at night. She mauled our feet and a couple times would bat at Matthew's head or hands when he moved in his sleep. But every night once she got sleepy, she'd curl up in the little space between Matthew and I and sleep. She loved him!
We had to ban her from the bedroom after a while because she was just too hyper and I didn't fully trust her not to accidentally scratch Matthew. She slept with Ashlynn when she was banned from our room.
Now they are both 8 months old and ADORE each other. It's wonderful! Cat isn't a huge fan of Ash. They do like each other and will play together though. Matthew and Cat however? Best friends! When Matthew wakes to nurse at night, Cat will run into the room and lay on the bed until he's done. If I leave the bedroom door open, she snuggles us at night. Matthew has grabbed the poor cat's ears or head and pushed her to the floor before and she just sits there and takes it. We don't encourage or allow this, but it has happened. There's also occasional tail or fur grabs, and she takes that too. She doesn't hurt him when he gets her. She's also very attached to me and spends a lot of time on the couch with me just snoozing away.
So although the baby kitten stage was a little rough, she's figured out what we do not allow (claws and harassing sleeping kids) and is a great pet! All of us love her greatly and are glad we adopted a cat after saying over and over that we did not want cats.
We are cat people though :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Crock pot Chicken Noodle Soup!

Now that we've moved, I'm making an attempt at crock pot chicken noodle soup tonight.
I used the following recipe:

with these alterations:
1/2 cup onion instead of full cup
1/2 cup cabbage
Less salt, added onion salt
bit more garlic
and I used boneless skinless chicken breasts instead of roasting chicken.
I also used roughly 4 cups broth, 4 cups water.
Smells delicious and I'll update this when it's finished cooking. YUM! Just one hour to go!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Introducing Ashlynn's Baby..

It's a boy!!

Baby Brother is measuring right on track, too! Not too ahead, not too behind.. So, in short, not too big. Ashlynn measured large by now, so the fact that he's measuring perfectly (at 10oz) is huge. It gives this mama hope at having a normal sized baby instead of a 10 day before her due date 8lb 14oz baby. Yikes.

He was also stubborn today and refused to show everything in his little heart and hid his face, so we're going back Feb 21st for another peek at our little prince.
We're over the moon!

Ashlynn also turned 2 on the 28th. What a birthday present. A baby brother to drive her crazy :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Introducing... Baby Blueberry!!!

Here is our precious Baby Blueberry!
We've pretty much decided on names, too :)
Either Julien Michael or Cameron Michael if it is a boy (Send blue vibes!)
and Sophia Elizabeth or Sabrielle Elizabeth if we're looking at a pretty little girl!

Ashlynn is still loving on her baby whenever she gets a glimpse of my belly or hears the word baby. It's a wonder her aunties do not know yet!
We're also looking to be moving around mid-January!!!
Things hit a road bump with the bank, so mid to late December turned into Mid-January, which is fair enough in the long run.

I've been feeling off and on nudges and kicks..all around one spot on the left. Not sure why, but guess that's his/her "spot"
As I was typing this, I felt a "lump" near that spot. So I poked it and HOLY ACTIVE. S/he was just flipping and jumping and it is the best feeling in the world :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Ashlynn has now been informed that Mommy has a baby in her belly. I can't begin to explain how darn adorable it is! She'll lift my shirt to see my belly and give it loves, kisses, poke it (just wait until s/he pokes back!) and now says "Baby!"
Before this, she never, ever said the word baby. Now she's pointing out babies in pictures 24/7. "Baby?? Baby?"
And she'll give my belly loves and say "Hi Baby!"
It's exciting seeing her excited about it. Granted, once the baby arrives she won't be so thrilled, but we'll work through it.
She also STILL has not weaned. It's to be expected, I suppose. Her nursing sessions are multiple times daily, but very brief (seconds at most) but she still doesn't want to give it up.
She has begun to climb into my bed at night some nights, and I admit that some nights I will also get her from her bed and put her in mine for bedtime snuggles. I'm enjoying her being an "only child" as much as possible.
I still have morning sickness, and a serious aversion to chicken. I can't for the life of me eat anything with chicken. Chicken broth is fine, but actual chicken isn't. If I do eat it, I feel seriously ill for 1hr+

Our moving date has been moved up as well. It's frustrating but also a good thing. Instead of looking at $1,200 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment, we'll be spending $900/month for our own condo, which will include our own washer and dryer! YAY for washing cloth diapers in our home! It makes things much, much easier since I'll have 2 in diapers. I've tried to potty train Miss Ashlynn, but she's too easily distracted. She will sit on the potty briefly then get up and go about her business, eventually peeing on the floor if I don't diaper her asap.

On another note, we're looking at a pretty bad milk intolerance.
I noticed that scrambled eggs made her vomit almost every time she had them, but I just took it as I should avoid them and not give her cups of milk (which at almost 2 years old she has never had) but then macaroni and cheese, which on occasion she used to throw up as well, made her get the poops the next day. And I'm talking vile smelling, gross poops.
To which she insists on shoving hands in her diaper to dig for instead of informing me that she pooped. She only tells me AFTER she's caught digging around.
One afternoon she had 7 poops and 2 baths..and lots of wiping down.. This was the day after she had eaten macaroni and cheese for lunch.
Today it was just 2 poops and one bath (and a wipe down) but she had also barely eaten her lunch the day before.
I'm frustrated!
I LOVE macaroni and cheese right now. It's one of the few foods I can guaranteed stomach, along with bagels, hot chocolate, goldfish crackers and salt and vinegar chips. Everything else is a hit or miss.
But with the way she reacts, Mac n Cheese may very well be a no-no in our home. We also just got SEVEN coupons from Kraft after I told them their boxes were hard to tell apart. I had accidentally purchase a thick n creamy mac when I meant to purchase original. They taste VERY different, and my stomach was not pleased with my choice. I didn't expect compensation (and most certainly not 7 boxes worth, as I only bought one box) but I was pleased with how they responded. Hopefully they change their boxes a bit for other poor morning sickness plagued mommies.
Well, it's almost 10:30 and I'm ready to crash for the night :) I will for sure update soon. Things should be kicking into gear VERY soon with moving and that amazing ultrasound I want to get so badly. I need to see my Blueberry!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ashlynn is going to be a....

Yes, you read that right!
This Mama is 6 weeks and 5 days along with Baby number 2!
I found out a while back and just 3 1/2 weeks. I had been taking a walk on a nice, cool day and suddenly got very hot and dizzy. The only time this happened before was with my pregnancy with Ashlynn. Ding ding ding! Alarms went off in my head.
I was also cramping quite a bit. A test the next day confirmed my thoughts.
I kept it quiet for a while because at 5 weeks I was in the ER for severe dehydration, I continued to cramp for a bit after that and just felt..blah.
But in the past week or so, I grew a cup size, my pants don't button..oh..and here's the best (worst!) part... Morning sickness!!!
I never had it with Ashlynn, but here it is.. Every morning I want to die (figuratively) and by nighttime I'm just tired.
I'm nauseous most of the time and already threw up once.
I think it's a boy, for sure.
Ashlynn has yet to wean, so if she doesn't by June, I'll be a tandem nursing mama. She's in her own bed, by her own choice, but is welcome in Mama's bed whenever she wants.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Still Advanced for her age

My daughter is almost 21 months old. Almost 2.
But she still doesn't "act her age"

We're talking 3-5 word sentences "Mama you okay? You got a boo boo?"
Jumping with both feet off the ground..easily.
She can draw a shaky circle, washes and dries her hands (she loves to wash her hands)
She's been walking down stairs for a couple months now, too.
My toddler is between 27 and 30 month development.
We have full on conversations.
She knows how to describe things (Big, Hot, Cold, Chilly, Auntie's, Mama's)
And people she sees once a week, sometimes even less, she can call by name each and every time she sees them.
I take things day by day..With a "gifted" child, that's all you can do.
I encourage her to count, talk, explore her environment, but I don't force anything.

Ash I type, she's sitting watching tv (bad, I know) and going "Lolly Lolly Lolly POP!" which her auntie taught her not too long ago.

But, despite all her advances..she still has her Dih-dee (Her pacifier)
So I'm still the classifier of the pacifier!