Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Am Not Getting My Daughter's Ears Pierced

My daughter is nearly nine months old, and her ears are untouched.
I have five piercings myself.. Two in each ear, and (*gasp*) my lip...
so why would I be opposed to piercing my child's ears?

Some, however few, women do NOT want their ears pierced!
I've seen crazier things happen, so who says my daughter won't be one of those women? I don't want her to be upset that I put earrings in her ears when she doesn't want them there. The scar from the piercing lasts FOREVER, so why do it now?

Possible Complications
Again, this is also rare, but it is possible.
Infections from piercings can potentially reach the blood, causing MANY problems. I knew quite well what I was doing when I got my ears pierced, and even my lip. I made sure I knew.

She can't say "No, Mama, I don't want them done.." so I chose not to get it done. She can't consent to having it done, so I don't feel the need to modify her body (Piercing is a form of body modification)

I'm Too Lazy To Clean Them!
I admitted it! I'm way too lazy to clean her earrings. As it is, I wipe her butt, wipe her face, wipe her nose, brush her teeth, wash her up, dress her, change her diaper, feed her, cuddle her, play with her, talk to her, tickle her.. the list goes on! I definitely don't want to add "Clean her earrings" to that list!

I have no problems with people who choose to pierce their infant's ears, though. I think that earrings are adorable on baby girls, and would LOVE to have my daughter have earrings, but I can't bring myself to do it.
However, when she's older (the youngest I'll do it is 4 years old), if she wants her ears pierced, I will explain that it does hurt, and she will have to clean them herself (with mommy's help), but I will get them done. I'll even go as far as letting her get 2 earrings in each ear! (The 2nd piercing would have to be when she's 8 or older). I have nothing against piercings (I actually love them!), but I'm not ready to let my daughter get it done just yet :)


  1. juliet46151@yahoo.comNovember 3, 2010 at 3:15 PM

    I have 3 boys and my youngest is a girl. i couldnt wait to get her ears done. she was 4 months old when i took her. she cried for 5.3 seconds lol. i gave her her paci and she was fine. she is 20mo now and she doesnt even know they r there. i would do it the same way again. i love her haveing little earings in shes so cute.

  2. I was one of those women that did not want her ears pieced and my mother said otherwise, I was 10 yrs old. My children come to me and ask me and then I get them done. I will not do it without them wanting it.

    Be blessed
