Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Being a Mama Desensitized Me

Before I got pregnant, the thought of boogers, poop, vomit, and soggy, half-chewed food grossed me out.
My sister, when she was maybe 4 or 5, handed me a half chewed donut once..I proceeded to gag and try to get it off my hand.
Now I pull chunks of soggy bread out of my daughter's mouth every day!

Prior to having Ashlynn, I had never changed a diaper. Ever. I flat out refused to!
Once she was born..get this.. I was EXCITED to change her diaper!
I wasn't allowed to for a few days, due to birth complications. They wouldn't let me out of bed, even to pee (Thank goodness for catheters, eh?)
Now, even getting poop on my hand (Word of advice, checking your child's diaper status by opening it by the leg can end up getting poop on your hand) doesn't phase me a bit. I just grab a wipe and clean it off.

Boogers..Ugh.. I used to gag at that one too. Never did like getting my sisters' snot on my clothes/hand/face/hair/wherever they wiped it jokingly.
Now, if I have no wipe/cloth available, I don't think twice about using my shirt to wipe Ashlynn's boogers off her face.

Now on to vomit..
I used to hate cleaning my own puke, nevermind my sisters' (Can you tell I learned everything from my sisters? I have FIVE! My dad has three, my mom has two. Not counting me.)
When Ashlynn was a newborn, she would spit up at least 6oz, if not more, all over my bed on a daily basis spread out over the course of a few feedings. Oddly enough, she never spit up at night.
When she spit up, I thought nothing of wiping it up, then putting a towel over the damp spot.
Not sure how I'll react to REAL throw up, but I guess we will see!

Has having a child desensitized you?
How? :)
I'm interested in your input!

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