Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Little Scare..

I had a little scare yesterday and last night..
But how about I start from the beginning?
Ashlynn woke up at a normal time on Tuesday, feeling fine, acting fine, etc.
Her morning diaper had an odd poop though..
TMI, but it was an odd color and just didn't look right.
I asked my mom and she chalked it up to teething.
Then Ashlynn took an early nap, which is something I don't see anymore.
She napped for about 2 hours on my chest, then was up playing again.
At 5pm, she was tired again so she fell asleep on me. For the record, this is also rare..and NEVER happens when she has already napped that day. At 8, she woke up (sort of) and I put her in bed just to see what happens. She babbled a bit, but her eyes kept closing. Before I knew it, I dozed off and when I woke up at 11ish, she was still asleep. She slept pretty well until I went to bed (probably around 3am or so), then kept waking up screaming. She didn't want to nurse (and I was too tired to freak out..) but wanted snuggles and her binky..
So we slept some more and, oddly, she didn't wake me up in the morning like she usually does. I woke, on my own, at 12:30 in the afternoon (I was tired..) and had to wake her. She felt a bit feverish, so my mom checked her temp via armpit.
I gave her some ibuprofen and she spent the day dozing off and on. My friend brought me to CVS to get tylenol (and I found out my master card gift card was online only..but that's another story) and by then, Ashlynn was acting perfectly fine. So we went to the mall (bad mama, I know..) and around 5 her fever was back.. So we grabbed tylenol from Target (generic) and gave it to her, then went home.
Once home, we checked her temp again. 103.
The tylenol did nothing and my mom snuck in a temp check (and didn't tell me this until 1am that night..) and got 103.7.
Then some tylenol before bed (around 9)
When she woke up fussing around 1am, she was BURNING hot..
Temp check again..
She was lethargic, wanted nothing to do with any meds and just wanted to sleep..
I seriously considered bringing her to the ER, but my mom talked me out of it and told me I was overreacting.
More meds (ibuprofen) and her temp dropped fast, she started acting normal, then back to bed she went.
I stayed up until 6am to give her tylenol to prevent the fever from spiking more and when she nursed, she acted odd.. nursed VERY quickly (seriously, gulping super fast) and spit up a bit on me..but she went to sleep after.. but I slept through my alarm at 10am for her ibuprofen...
This morning she slept in until about 11 (unusual, but not as alarming as 12:30) and her fever was a mild 99.
She acted fine, ate fine, and was just a little sleepy. She napped at a normal time (about 2pm), but only napped for an hour or so..
I gave her ibuprofen at 4pm today because she was very very fussy, and she went to bed at 8:30pm, happy as can be and acting good as new.
Her fever didn't spike today (at all!) and she didn't seem sick, so I'm not sure what caused the fever to be so bad..

To add.. she fussed as I was writing this so I went to check on her.
Yup... Fever is back.
Not sure what it is.. I just gave her a bit of tylenol and settled her back down..
She was hot hot to the touch and a bit twitchy (she did that last night with her fever of 104), So I'm guessing it's at least 103..
I'm bringing her to the Dr. tomorrow to make sure it's nothing treatable (like an ear infection).
If it's treatable, I think I'll be happier than if it's a bug.. But either way, this mama needs answers!

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