Thursday, December 16, 2010

And Here Comes The Stomach Bug!

The stomach bug has hit our house.. HARD.
It started with me..
I felt perfectly fine.. actually, better than fine, on Monday night.
I got home at 8:30 and made myself a sandwich (Ham and mayo on a sub roll).
I managed two bites and felt a bit odd, so I figured I just wasn't in the mood for it.
So I threw some whole-grain spaghetti on the stove and popped some french fries in the oven (can you say carb city? LOL)
When the spaghetti was done, I put butter on it and took..again..two bites.
Then I started feeling sick. I turned off the oven and curled up on the couch.
Ashlynn joined me and fell asleep on my chest, so we went to bed.
2 hours later I was up again, making best friends with the couch again.
Then running to the bathroom. Uh oh.
I didn't throw up. Oh no.. It came out the other end.
TMI, I know.
See, I have a problem where about once a month I get horrible cramps which then lead to a lovely trip or two to the bathroom...
So I figured that was what it was.

Until I got nauseous.
I got a pan from the cabinet (Couldn't find a bucket.. the bucket monster must have eaten them) and made friends with the couch again. 20 minutes later, the pan was also my friend.
I spent from 11pm-3am in the bathroom or on the couch.
At 3am, I figured it was over, so I tried to go to bed.
My mom commented that I hadn't thrown up in a few hours, so I must be feeling better.

Ashlynn decided I HAD to nurse her RIGHT. THEN.
I tried to feed her. I really did. But then I had to move her to the side and run to the bathroom.
Throwing up.
Woohoo my mom cursed me!
Thankfully, that is also when it ended and I managed to go to bed.
A small fever the next day, but nothing some Tylenol couldn't fix.

Well, before I left for class today my sister got up from the couch and went in my parent's room. I really thought nothing of it until my other sister, Kenzie, came out and said "You know Nikki isn't feeling good?"
I asked the obvious.. "Well did you tell Mom?" "No" "Did Nikki tell Mom?" "No" "Well then tell mom!"
So she did.

Kenzie fell asleep in the car on the way to school. A bit strange, but she's been sleeping poorly (She has an ear infection and the only indication was she woke up crying most of the night, but didn't remember crying when she woke up in the morning. She also has conjunctivitis...)

I got a text right before I left class from my mom.
"Can you pick up bread for toast for the girls?"
Uh oh..
I asked if they were throwing up..
"Nikki is"

I spread the bug.

I got home to find that not only was Nikki throwing up, But Kenzie woke up on the ride home and promptly vomited all over her blanket.
My mom gave her toast when they got home and she was fine for a couple hours.
Once I got home, they both started throwing up (The girls, not my mom)
Ashlynn felt a bit warm, but I think it may have been the heat in the house and her long sleeve shirt.
She had pooped a third time while I was gone.. Usually she poops twice a day, maybe once.. but NEVER 3 times.
I gave her some tylenol and cuddled her to sleep, then put her to bed.
She's been up crying a couple times since then, but she has been asleep for the past hour and a half at least (I think she may have fussed a minute ago, but she didn't cry, so I assume it was just a binky search)
Poor Kenzie fell asleep in her bed, then woke up and didn't bother to roll over, but instead threw up while laying on her back. My mom told her to lay on her side from then on, since she didn't even wake up when she threw up.
Nikki, who hates vomit, ran to the bathroom every time Kenzie started to throw up. Mainly to get away..far away...from the sound. Poor girl takes after her Daddy with that one. He can't be around vomit or poop without gagging up a storm.

It's been about 2 hours since either girl has thrown up, so I think they are both FINALLY done with throwing up. Good news though! They didn't have the runs, so they didn't lose nearly as much water as I had (I had weighed myself, just because I was curious of my weight, right before I ate my dinner.. then again the next morning to see how much water weight I had lost. Four POUNDS of water!)

I sincerely hope that Ashlynn's third poop, sleepiness and fussiness is all we will see of the bug in her. Please, please breastmilk.. do me this one favor and spare my poor baby of this bug! (She's gotten every cold the household has had so far!)

On a side note, if you have a lip (or nose for that matter) piercing and get a stomach bug.. buy some sea salt and hydrogen peroxide ASAP!
My lip piercing is VERY irritated and swollen from the stomach acids, so I'm treating it like I just got it done by loving it with hydrogen peroxide until it goes back to normal.

Wish our poor household luck! We never do well with stomach bugs!
And so close to Christmas,too :(

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