Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lovely Little Rash....And Some Car Seat Safety Info (And A Rant!)

All over her little body. Head to toe.. literally.
She woke up this morning and I noticed her cheeks had little, raised red bumps.. Very small, and they didn't seem to be bothering her. I gave her her normal dose of amoxicillin and not too long after, my mom pointed to her back and said "Is this the rash you mentioned to me?"
Yep.. It spread to her back. Within another 30 minutes or so, it was on her legs.. I took off her shirt to see how bad it was on her back and noticed it was on her arms and tummy too!
It was worse on her right side, not as bad on the left..but still there.
I called her Dr. The nurse who answered said it was a common rash (called a amoxicillin rash) and nothing to worry about since she's off the meds on Monday. She also told me that if it had been day one or two of the meds instead of day 8, she'd change the medication because she wouldn't want Ashlynn being itchy and uncomfortable for that long..
But for now, we're using benadryl to keep the rash to a minimum (though it hasn't seemed to have done anything but stop the spreading)

It's not an allergy, supposedly, though I wonder what exactly it is.. wouldn't a reaction to the medication be considered an allergy? Though at the same time, many medications have side effects, so that may be it as well. My mom did some research and this rash seems to occur in 5-10% of children, and often doesn't happen again if the child takes the amoxicillin again.
Hopefully that's what happens here!
My aunt had a severe reaction when she was younger. She vomited every time she took the medication, and I believe she also swelled up. Her doctor told my grandmother to continue giving the medication, but after a while my grandmother stopped listening...
Doctors are not always right.

Which brings me to an off-topic little...rant I suppose.
Tonight while on facebook, a friend of mine posted a photo of a young baby in her car, forward facing. I asked the child's age, and if she was forward facing (I wanted to be sure)
I received a message from her saying the child was 8 months old, and yes she was forward facing.
I asked why and she told me because when she put the seat in rear facing, it was too wobbly.
So I linked her to a youtube video on how to properly install a convertible car seat rear facing, and told her if she was unsure, many fire stations have someone certified who can help and show her how to do it. She told me she only took the baby "once in a while"
I said yes, once in a while..but all it takes is once. Better safe than sorry.
She agreed and I left it at that, saying I apologize if I came off as harsh, but it was a safety and legal issue that I felt needed to be addressed.

Not long after, the mother of the child commented on the photo..
Here's the "Debate" we had..
Her- She's fine facing forward. No worries.
I gave her this link; and said there are worries, there's a law.. 20lbs AND one year old..

My comment was deleted. and NOT by me.

But she was quick to reply, nonetheless..
i think its about time you worry bout your own kid and not mine. i dont care about a stupid video. her doctor said shes big enough so mind your own business and f*** off

Wonderful language.. way to sound mature.

I replied;
Her doctor need to have his license revoked then.
The CPS (Which, if you don't know, is the Child Passenger Safety Resource) says THIS about forward facing;
"It is strongly recommended that all children stay rear-facing beyond the minimum requirements of 1 year and 20 lbs. Children should not be turned forward-facing until they reach the maximum rear-facing limits of a convertible seat (that allows rear-facing to at least 30 lbs). These limits are either the maximum rear-facing weight limit or when the top of their head is within one inch of the top of the seat shell, whichever comes first. While most parents are aware that they must keep their children rear-facing "until they are AT LEAST 1 year old AND 20 lbs", very few are told that there are significant safety benefits when a child remains rear-facing as long as the seat allows. For most children, rear-facing can and should continue well into the second year of life. "

At LEAST one year old AND 20lbs. Not either or. Technically you can lose your drivers license for driving with a child under 1 year of age and/or under 20lbs that is forward facing.
But to each their own I guess. Just sharing some information, that in case you didn't know, is important to know. Not to mention illegal to do otherwise. Go ahead, ask any police officer or fireman.
It's safety, not convenience or "cuteness" of being able to see your child as you drive. It's important to your child's HEALTH and SAFETY. Children under 1 year of age can DIE in a car crash if they are forward facing..quite easily.
And trust me, I do worry about my own kid. She will be rear facing until she is at least 2 years old. Her car seat goes to 40lbs rear facing.

Yes, maybe it wasn't necessary to go that much into detail...but for crying out loud, it's a SAFETY hazard!

I also added "And -friend's name-.. I would prefer you didn't delete my comment. Not for her sake, but for anyone else lurking.. Not that many people know about that stuff.. Seriously, I'm not here to argue. It's just a safety thing not a lot of people know."

Then another woman, much older than the two of us as far as I can tell and a mother of two, jumped in..
None of my business but you were arguing in your last post. You said her Dr. should have there license revoked. If her Dr. said it's okay then why should it bother you?.....just sayin

I had no problem replying to that one.. It was a little silly of her to ask, to be honest..
Because it's illegal. If your Dr. says it's okay to shoot up heroin, even though it's illegal, does that make it okay?
Same thing really..

Then my friend, being the drama-lover she is, HAD to jump in..
your have a debate with a mother with two daughters!!! a.k.a (-woman's name here-)

And yes, that is EXACTLY what she said. I had to decipher it..

I replied, a bit cocky from knowing that they were wrong (What can I say? I like being right about things)
I don't mind :) I like a good debate. I know my facts, so it's perfectly fine to me.

Then I spoke with my mother about it..and she made her own opinions and replied as well! Then, for now, the debate died off. Victory? I doubt it.

My mom-
not that I am saying either is right but I can debate to as a mother of 3 daughters and a grandmother of one.......

while Kailey(that's me by the way) came across wrong (most definitely) she is stating a LAW about when children can ride forward facing, the law and police don't care what the doctor said......

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