Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's Discuss... Toys!

Ashlynn has tons of toys; Books, Tables, Baby Dolls, Toy Phones, A Teapot, Two Ride On Ponies.....
Then her favorite; A Busy Ball Popper.
But no, putting the balls into the toy and watching them pop up isn't her favorite thing to do. She loves it, don't get me wrong, but her favorite thing? That would be sticking a spoon or glue stick into it, then clapping. Over. And Over.
She'll "read" a book for a few seconds, flipping the pages while pointing and babbling, but she really has no interest.
Her little toys get played with for about 5 minutes a week, maybe 10.
Anything that plays music with become the "toy of the minute" for a little while each day,
but she spends at least 30 minutes playing with that Busy Ball Popper.
So wait..what does she do with the other time in her day?
Well, she has breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A nap around 1-2pm until 3 or 4, music time, sitting on the couch with Mommy to watch TV (which she isn't a big fan of, actually), playing with her aunties, playing with her Nana or Poppy, and bedtime around 8-8:30.
She's a busy girl!
So if you're ever looking for toy recommendations, try the Busy Ball Popper!
Play tables are also great because they make noise, play music, teach..and the one we have has a small bowl in the middle that I put snacks in!
Push toys are a hit and miss. With Ashlynn, they were a miss. She walked with her table more than her Stride To Ride Dino, and now she turns every toy into a push toy. And she's walking and RUNNING!
Baby Dolls are great for babies! Ashlynn knows to love hers nicely, and she's adorable with it.
If I may make a toy suggestion that I'm not sure exists...
Toy dog food and water!
She's obsessed with both and it drives me crazy!

And that's toys for ya!

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